The Annie Moses Band is pursuing an ambitious mission to transform the world of the arts for the glory of God.  

Envision a time when the new Broadway musical, the next Netflix series, or the latest Oscar-winning film is created by faith-filled artists - when the screens of smartphones everywhere emblazon the truths of God into the minds of the next generation.

This is the world that the Annie Moses Foundation is making a reality, one young artist at a time.

For decades, a void has been growing in the social fabric of the West. Education is increasingly atheistic and politicized, while the world of music, television, and film promotes destructive messages that poison the hearts of our families. 

Our world needs truth. Our world needs beauty. Our world needs excellence.

The Annie Moses Foundation is turning the tide in two ways:

- first, through exceptional arts programs that equip young musicians to not only perform, but create new artistry with excellence.

- second, through original content, both musical and visual, that reflects the beauty of our Creator and enriches the lives of His people.  

But to realize this mission, we need your help. 

Our primary project is the renovation of a new facility that will house our on-going arts program for young musicians, called the Conservatory of Annie Moses. The Conservatory is a one-of-a-kind program that is designed to form young musicians who are fully fluent in musical creativity, classical technique, commercial genres, stagecraft, and the branding and business of a professional career. It’s the first phase in our mission to occupy the world of the arts for the glory of God.

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